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Karnapidasana Benefits and how to do Karnapidasana Pranayama

karnapidasana Benefits:Yoga is the easiest basic mantra to stay healthy. When we remain completely healthy, no disease can get trapped near us. Therefore, it is necessary to do yoga regularly. It is also important to pay attention to food and drink. However, there are many yogas, which are beneficial for body and mind, but there are some yoga asanas, whose name you have rarely heard. One such yoga is Karnapidasana. This yoga asana can work to keep many diseases away. In this article, we will talk about how to do karnapidasana and Karnapidasana benefits.

Karnapidasana Benefits

Read in detail below
In the first part of the article, we are giving what is Karnapidasana.
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What is Karnapidasana? 

Karnapidasana has many names. It is also called Raja Halasan, Knee to Ear Pause, and Ear Pressure PoseIt is composed of three Sanskrit words. In this, Karna means ear, Pida means to pressure and Asana means postureThis yoga asana is somewhat like a halasanaWhile doing this asana, one has to lie on the ground on the back of the upper back and lift up the hips. This yoga asana can help in making the body flexible as well as increase the physical balance.
Let us now know what the karnapidasana benefits.

 Karnapidasana Benefits

There can be many changes in the regular practitioners of Karnapidasana. These changes are the benefits of yoga. The benefits of karnapidasana are explained in detail below.
1. To strengthen the body
Yoga can include many types of rugs. Which can be done by standing, sitting, and lying down. This can help make the body strong and flexible. Karnpidasan is also included in these. This asana can work to strengthen the body as well as tone the abdomen. Problems such as abdominal pain, diabetes, and renal disorder can also be kept away. Thus the benefits of karnapidasana can be availed.
2. Keeping the spine healthy
Performing this asana can bring backbone flexibility. At the same time, it also gets strength. This can help keep the spine healthy. At the moment, there is no precise scientific evidence of how this works on spinal health.
3. Stress Relief
Respiratory activity in any yoga has beneficial effects on the brain. Respiratory activity during karnapidasana can bring peace of mind, which can reduce stress. Also, with its regular practice, you can remain stress-free. In such a situation, it can be said that the benefits of karnapidasana can work to relieve stress. At present, no scientific evidence is available on this.
4. Get rid of the problem of digestion
While performing karnapidasana, the feet are lifted up and taken towards the back of the head. Therefore, this asana especially affects the stomach, which can improve the digestive system. Many stomach problems can be relieved when the digestive system is healthy.
In the next part of this article, we will explain how to do karnapidasana. 

Steps to do Karnapidasana

We are showing how to do karnapidasana, but it is not easy to do it. Therefore, initially do this Yogasana under the supervision of an expert.
  • To do this asana, place a yoga mat on a flat spot. After that lie back on that mat.
  • During this, keep both hands and feet in a straight line.
  • Then take a deep breath and raise the legs slowly towards the sky.
  • After this, try to move the legs slowly behind the head.
  • Keep the entire weight of your body on your shoulders. During this time your hands should be straight on the ground as before.
  • This is the situation of Halasana, now bend both your legs with knees.
  • After turning both knees, they will come near the ears. This will cover both ears with knees.
  • In this situation, you keep your eyes on the nose.
  • Stay in this state for some time and keep breathing at normal speed.
  • Then slowly reverse this asana while exhaling to get to the starting position.
  • This can be done initially two to four times under the supervision of a yoga expert.
In the next part of the article, we will explain some precautions regarding karnapidasana.

Some precautions for Karnapidasana 

While doing this asana it is important to keep a few things in mind, which can help in preventing the damage from it. These include these precautions 
  • Do not do this asana if you have a stomach problem or have recently undergone surgery.
  • If you have a headache or neck injury, avoid doing this asana.
  • If you feel discomfort in your waist while doing this asana, stop it immediately.
  • A patient of hypertension should not do this asana.
You must have heard it well that if the day starts with yoga, then the whole day goes well. Therefore, yoga is a miracle that brings peace to your mind and makes you feel refreshed throughout the day. It also gives the ability to solve every work-related problem with restraint. If someone in your knowledge shows laziness in doing yoga or exercise, then explain to him the importance of yoga. Also, tell what is your opinion on Karnapidasana benefits.
Karnapidasana Benefits and how to do Karnapidasana Pranayama Karnapidasana Benefits and how to do Karnapidasana Pranayama Reviewed by Bronics on April 04, 2020 Rating: 5

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