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Method and Amazing benefits of Vajrasana in daily life

Benefits of Vajrasana:- Vajrasana is an asana performed on the feet after bending the knees. It is derived from the Sanskrit word 'Vajra', which means thunder in the sky. It is also called Diamond Pose. Pranayama, Kapalabhati,  can be done by sitting in this Yogasana. There is no doubt that Vajrasana is the best yoga for keeping the body healthy. In this article of myyogadesk, we will talk about how to do Vajrasana, benefits of Vajrasana and some important tips related to it.

benefits of Vajrasana

Table of contents

  • Some important things about Vajrasana 
  • Method of performing Vajrasana -
  • Caution
  • Benefits of Vajrasana 

First of all, we know some important things about Vajrasana.

Some important things about Vajrasana 

Most yogasanas are done on an empty stomach, but Vajrasana is different than other asanas. You can do this even after eating food, but doing Vajrasana after eating food is considered good for the digestive system.
Level: Starting
Period : 5 to 10 minutes
Repetition: None
Stretch: Ankle, Thigh, Knee, Hip
Strongness: Legs, Back

Method of performing Vajrasana -

  1. Sit on your knees. During this, join the fingers of both the feet together and keep the ankles apart.
  2. Now rest your buttocks on the ankles.
  3. Now place the palms on the knees.
  4. During this, keep your back and head straight.
  5. Keep both knees together.
  6. Now close your eyes and keep breathing normally.
  7. In this state you try to sit for five to 10 minutes.


Although this asana is completely safe, but in the beginning you should take care of the things mentioned below.
  1. If you have a problem with your knees or have recently had knee surgery, avoid doing this asana.
  2. Pregnant women should do this asana by keeping a slight gap in their knees, so that there is no pressure on the stomach.
  3. If you have any problem in the spine, then avoid doing this asana. Especially, if there is any problem in the joint of your spine, do not perform Vajrasana.
  4. Those who are suffering from any problem in hernia, intestinal ulcers and small and large intestines, then do this asana under the supervision of the instructor.
This was the way to do Vajrasana, now let's look at some tips.
Tips for people starting Vajrasana
People who perform Vajrasana for the first time may initially have pain in the legs. If this is the case, then get up from Vajrasana and bring your feet forward. Then massage the ankles, knees and calves. In such a situation, by practicing regularly you will be able to do this asana for 30 minutes in some time.
Also, this asana should be done slowly in the beginning. As soon as your lower back becomes accustomed to it, then there will be no difficulty in breathing while doing them. Keep in mind that if you do this Yogasan more than your capacity, then its effect may be reduced.
Advanced pause
The advanced pose of Vajrasana is the dormant Vajrasana. In this, while sitting in Vajrasana, bend backwards and apply hands and elbows on the ground. This asana will help strengthen the muscles around the neck, back and chest. It also helps in getting relief from lung related problems. This yoga yoga should be done under the supervision of a trainer, only then it will prove beneficial.

Benefits of Vajrasana 

There are many benefits of Vajrasana, which we are going to tell below:
  1. Regularly performing Vajrasana keeps your digestion well and eliminates constipation.
  2.  It helps in reducing labor pain and also reduces menstrual cramps.
  3. This asana strengthens the back and relieves the problem of lower back and sciatica.
  4. It also strengthens the pelvic muscles.
  5. Better digestion prevents acidity and ulcer problems.
  6. It is one of the best rugs for meditation.
The scientific basis of Vajrasana
Vajrasana is a steady, firm posture and those who perform it cannot be easily shaken. It is a meditation posture, but sitting in this posture can be quite challenging. To do this, there will be water to relieve pain in the feet and keep your mind calm and stable.
Vajrasana improves blood circulation in the pelvic part. Sitting on the feet reduces blood flow to the feet and increases digestion, due to which the digestive system works properly.
Do this asana before Vajrasana - Preparatory Poses
  1. Shalabhasana
Do this asana after Vajrasana - Preparatory Poses
  1. Makarasana
  2. Balasan
  3. Shavasana
There is no doubt that body and mind can be made healthy by yoga. At the same time, if we talk about Vajrasana, it is not only easy to do it, but it can be done at any time. You have already known the benefits of vajrasana. If you have not done any yoga as yet, then start with this. How did you benefit from doing this, do share your experiences with us in the comment box below.
Method and Amazing benefits of Vajrasana in daily life  Method and Amazing benefits of Vajrasana in daily life Reviewed by Bronics on June 01, 2020 Rating: 5

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